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Exhibit: Then and Now

Gallery Ezaki Exhibit 2007-11

Contrary to the rumours, I have not gone back to my home planet. To prove it, here is the long-awaited exhibit.

This exhibition is an anthology of my work since 1990 plus an installation that I'm sure you'll enjoy.

Gallery Ezaki
Mainichi Ezaki Building, 2nd floor
(Aoba Street)
8-20 Shichiken-chou
Aoi-ku, Shizuoka-shi

View Google Map

November 22, till December 4, 2007 (2 weeks)
(Gallery closed Wednesday, Nov. 28th)
10:00 am till 6:00 pm
(last day closes at 4:00 pm)

Party Info:
There will be a party at the gallery on Saturday, December 1st.
(Bring food and drinks)

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